Saturday, 26 April 2008
shag from work
Glad that I managed to come up with a plot before the boss came in. Haha a bit related to my background on Occupational Safety and Health. What a coincident right. Hope we managed to get the tender done. So happy that boss is actually so pleased with my performance. Getting prepared to negotiate pay with my boss le. Probation period over liao. Shun bian ask for cash for my handphone bill since i haven got my sim card. Like that my pay will be 1.58 k le. Think i will feel more worth well. Hee plus my commission, and I be a rich kid for this month. Before submitting the tender must have a good talk with my boss.
I have muster all my courage to sms my boss see whether he gt Mayday Concert tickets?? Lesson No 2. Ask and you never know what you will received.
Though I don't like my office, but I know I managed to learn something. So if boss agreed to the above terms, think I can really stay on for a year.
Meet up with valerie again yesterday. Went orchard, to eat sakae sushi. Guess I been eating too much sushi and junk food this month. Feel like getting heavier le. Really. The funny thing is that both of us actually queue up for an hour to eat sushi without any complaint. We were too free ba. Seeking her advise regarding work stuffs. Been pestering my boss about tenders. Chase till I also tire liao. Feel like ah ma. Learn from her to give an absolute timeline. =) Hopefully things will be better.
Long time never meet up with the rest of Koyak le. Esp maggie and Xiao xian. Its like super long. Tell xiao xian to organise a badminton outing. Lets play badminton someday, and i be able to shed some loose fats. 0.1 % fat wah haha.
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
my weekly diary

Have been working hard on the Health Promotion Board proposal for the past week, and I come across this recipe of a mango salsa sushi. Immediate, I begin to drool and without hesitation i sms yy to go compasspoint to eat sushi. Look so tempting right !
Here the ingredient...
6 sheets of nori
3 cups sumeshi
1 medium avocado
1 medium mango
1 small red onion
precooked shrimp
Cooking Directions
Cook sushi rice.
Cut the avocados in half, discarding the pit.
Cut off the hard skin and discard.
Slice the avocados into very thin (but still thick enough so they don’t tear when you put them on your sushi) slices.
Remove the skin from the mangos.
Slice the mangos into very thin slices, similar to how you sliced the avocado.
Cut the red onion into slices.
Using shrimp, red onion and cilantro as your fillings, roll the sushi inside-out.
Place alternating thin strips of avocado and mango across the top of the roll, and squeeze them into the roll with the rolling mat so they stick.
Serve with wasabi, shoyu, and ginger (if desired). Enjoy!
After the sushi treat, me and yy went to ah gla house. Realise long time never go le. The wu gui has grown so big le. I dun even dare to lift it. Oops.. Thanks gla for the chao hao chi de chocolate. =) happy
Valerie tells me that in order to improve English, I must start off by writing proper English. I been working hard on this in the past one month. Poor Joel, Iman and Ai Leng have editing my email and proposal. Having been figuring hard over my priorities in life, and all i can think of is money. What a miserable life ! Must re- establish my priorities once more. Thanks for not giving up on me and me too will not give up de.
Went for a hair cut in far east. Decide not to go again because of the service. The director seems so unwilling to serve me, keep on pushing me to the other hair stylist. And this is because I am paying the student price. I still look like a student -_-V A hair cut really made a great different. It will make you feel so much better and so motivated.
" Everything's in the mind. That's where it all starts. Knowing what you want is the first step towards getting it." - Mae West
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
A different propective
celebrated nicole's birthday at waraku... happy birthday nic ! hope u like the present.. not sure if i brought the correct one... met zhang lao... hee jing zhang + awdward but still glad =) gt to see him.. though i begin to emo at night... glad all went well .. no crying, nothing.. happy managed to mumble a few words to him and his brother ...
7 April 2008
meet valerie.. almost could not recognise her.. think too long never see her le.. 2 yrs ++ le.. grabbed her before she went abroad.. did not really do a deep research in the university course and can see myself junping in course that is cheap and can do anything in the future..too lazy le..seriously have a feeling that i be doing anything that can earn money in the future... too much concern le.. end up she did all the research for me despite having to cope with her appeal.. thanks so so much... postphone my registration and re- look into the courses once more..hope can make it in time... and hope everything goes well for her too.. just a simple meetup at amk hub mac eating dinner and talking clear most of my doubts... xiang tong duo yi dian... will miss her when she went US to study..
a little more
- effort
really goes a long way
"the day you see me i be a better me, no more taking you for granted =) "
stay focus and look forward to the day
stay happy