hee so happy... Zhang lao gives me a 50 bucks Skin Food Voucher... which i have spend away le... den at the same time i won a 20 bucks Royal Sporting House Voucher from the company through the appreciate messages contest... haha thanks to Cheng Luan who spend so much effort to teach me bake a cake.. think she the only one who fetched a lot of appreciation messages... she really very shan liang... dun even mind putting in the extra effort to help a person.. she my ou xiang... hee they looking for creativity in the messages... this means that there are still some genes of creativity in me .. lol o.O' V heee feeling so lucky this week...
Back from Pulau Semakau on Friday, 23 Nov. It is Singapore only landfill that is situated offshore. A 7 km perimeter rock bund was built to enclose a part of the sea off between Pulau Semakau and Pulau Sekang, hence it looks like a U shape. A briefing was conducted before we board a bus half- round the 'island'. Cool as you are under the sun sight- seeing during office hours ... wah haha seriously the place is peaceful, though its a dumping ground, part of the area are designed for recreational activities like sport fishing... if there is another chance, will want to go back again... According to the working personal over there, if we want to go on our own, we will need to book the entire ferry to fetch us over there... the price is not cheap wor.. like 1000 odds for the feery trip... fun!! boarded the ferry from the ferry terminal near Pasir Panjang.

The next day, force my lazy body off my cosy bed. Pack my back to go to Pulau Ubin... Excited!! First time join Zhang lao to work.. bringing a bunch of TP adventure club guys to racee .. Learn a lot of stuffs... n the basic instinct" almost everything on the island can be eaten" heee we pluck wild kang kong and even tried to break open the sea almond that can be found along the coastline... without realising, it brought me back to the OBS times... its so back to basic ... try my utmost best to ride the bicyle.. bike too high , i need to jump fortunately later can go back and change the bike... if not i confirm die there... Highlight of the day is the dinner whipped up by Terrace... cannot imagine right, the way he cooks machim like the zhu chao in Singapore... he even brought a lot of spices along... Cooked Tomyam soup with our self- pluck clams. Haiz and this is how i lost my sung glass... think i tripped and the sunglass disappear into the sea... the gruesome part is that i need to bathe with yellow water... mama i want to go home.. overall its a great experience....
heh so gian blogging... that i cannot stop here....
this friday going to my cousin wedding... brought a mei mei bedsheet for her... and a black silky nighties... hope she likes it.. xin fen...